Wednesday, 1 October 2008

court date news

We left J at 5.30 in the morning. We arrived at the courthouse dead on 9am.
We were still waiting on paperwork to be completed in J, which would be brought to us as soon as completed.
My lawyer spoke to the judge and was going to try and get it the time rescheduled for the afternoon but the judge told us he would not be there in the afternoon and to come back in a week.

Apparantly, this judge has never dealt with a single person wanting to obtain legal guardianship - so I am the first lets hope that it's not an issue!


Sherry said...

Isabelle Looks like we will be seeing you next week. We will continue to pray you get the documents you need.
Many Blessing

Anonymous said...

Ill be praying for you!!!!!!
Keep us posted on what happens!