Tuesday, 23 September 2008


pologies for taking to so long to update me blog!
Things have been hectic and busy with school but now we are all calm, organised
and waiting for half-term!!!

The first day at teaching went well - I was very nervous and anxious but
everything on the day went fine. I started off with 5 kids and have now gone
up to 8 - it doesn't sound like a lot but when you also have to teach
your assistant about the Curruculum and how to teach it adds a lot of work. Especially
when my assistant doesnt understand that 10 is a number and not a letter!!

I have been 'promoted' or elected to be the new school co-ordinateur since H
leaves in 4 weeks. I am already at school about 11 hours a day working
I try and spend the afternoon with Nathanial after school and then work
once he is sleeping at about 7 or 7.30pm. So I will try and do
my co-ordinateur stuff in the evening when Nathanial has gone to bed and I can
use the school computer.
It will keep me busy and it pays extra so I said I would do it - and I suppose
it will look good on my CV!!

Nathanial has been displaying some very challeging behaviour the last month or so - and it
seems to get worse everyday!
He pees on the floor when standing in front of me and then denies doing it!
The other day he went into bedroom when I nipped out to get him a drink from the
school. He went through all my things, opened stuff, ate stuff and then of course he
denied doing it. Today he pooed his pants then hid behind the house, took them
off, through them into the bushes. Then I noticed he wasnt wearing any and asked him
where they were. I asked him why he pooed in his pants (since he knows to
ask to go) and he told me that he didn't poop in his pants.
The other day he refused to get dressed for school in the morning so I told him that he would have to go to
school without any shorts on. His teachers asked him why he wasnt dressed
- knowing that he refused - and he told his teacher that I refused to give him
Honestly - Its like banging your head against the wall.

When I ask him a simple question like - why arent you listening or why did
you disobey me - he tells me that he doesnt want to talk or that he wants
to sleep or that he wants to eat!!!!

Anyone get any good advice I need it, and you can throw a prayer or two my way
I need patience and wisdom!!!!

Regarding the foster stuff - I am still waiting on a court date and possibly waiting for a document that needs to to perhaps get a court date - not 100% sure - but I am hoping we get assigned a date soon.


Erin said...

i have a great book that i am sending to you via my friend Brandi... she will be staying at Gately on Oct. 9 and can pass the book off for you. Praying for Nathaniel's behavior to improve! I know it can be hard those first few months! :)

Unknown said...

Sounds like he's making life interesting! Each episode probably requires different details, but your faithful, consistency is a tremendous gift to him. hang in there! A book that has really helped me in my mothering is "Shepherding a Child's Heart" by Paul Tripp.
Tague is coming over there in a couple of weeks... he could bring a copy? Or is there anything else you'd like? Lisa Harding

Sherry said...

Just read the comment you left me.
I am very excited to hear we will be in court the same day I will keep an eye out for you. I would love to meet you and your little guy. We are heading for the airport in a couple of hours and will only arrive the night before we are to be in court. Please keep us in your prayers that there won't be any flight delays. It was the only flight we could get in such short notice. God bless and I will be praying for a favorable ruling for you and for Nathaniel's behavior. I wish I had some great advice but I don't so i'll just pray.